Thursday, October 26, 2006

Almost a month to the day since my last post. I have been doing quick updates on my Live Journal but have not had the time for a real knitting/spinning/pregnancy/life post here on Blogger in a long time.

What's been going on? I borrowed a World War II era sock knitting machine from my friend Susan who is a very talented woman :o) So far I have cranked out (literally) 7 pairs of socks in a week and a half. A few of them will become slipper socks like these for my husband and maybe a few pairs for gifts. I have the leather soles that are lined with wool and just need to graft up the toes and sew on the soles. Using the sock knitting machine has been lots of fun, it really helps with my current need for projects that start and finish quickly. I have been feeling impatient and will pick up a project only to put it down after awhile and pick up another. I tried to do some spinning but found that I could not do that for long....I'm very restless :o) I have knocked out a bunch of little hats, socks and bibs as well as a few burp cloths and tiny garter stitch sweaters. Anything that is quick :o) I have been working on a bunting from Morehouse Merino...which does not seem to be on their site so I don't have a photo for you. I may order some more yarn in another color (The one I am knitting now is a soft green) and try to get another one done :o)

Babies....they are a'growin. The info below is from the scans done on October 13th.

First Bean A: They switched the A&B because the baby that is presenting (head down) is always called A (or so I am told). Bean A is currently head down, feet up and to my right side and facing my spine. The image is really good because Bean A is towards my bellybutton and easy to see. The mouth is open, nose, ear and lips are easy to see as is the spine. One arm is at the bottom of the photo laying along the length of the body and you can see fingers.

Bean B: Is laying head up, feet down facing my bellybutton under and to he left of Bean B is half covered by A right now. Feet are tucked up and over the belly. The dark spot in the middle is the stomach. Lips, nose and an ear are easy to see.

They are both doing well. A is slightly smaller than B but both are within normal limits. A is 15.2cm long and B is 16cm long, both measurments are from the crown of the head to the rump. During the scan I saw both of them lift tiny hands and suck their thumbs..but it was so fast the tech could not get a printout. They are both very active and I think B is going to be a scrapper...punching little fists and kicking little feet :o)

I am growing rapidly but not gaining weight...which my OB is happy about because I am overweight to begin with. I can feel them rolling over, poking me, kicking me.... last night it felt like popcorn going off in my belly :o) I sleep a great deal....sometimes just laying down on the couch at random points during the day. THings get done in the house in fits and starts but they get done. My husbands office has been moved to the smaller basement room and there is lovely soft new carpet for him to pace on :o) My father in law will be coming over next week to paint the nursery. We have picked a color from Waverly called Lemon for the top half of the walls. The bottom half will be done in waincoting in a creamy linnen. The trim and ceiling will also be linnen. The rug is a federal blue. We will paint the crib and twin bed the same linnen color and then do a antique wash to match the dresser. I have picked out a yellow and blue toile fabric for the room. It's coming together slowly...but we still have a little time yet :o)